How To Set Up Free Shipping From $Xx On Merchize

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To encourage customers to buy more, you can apply the promotion “Free shipping from $xx:. For example, Free shipping for orders from $60 and then with the order over $60, the shipping fee is 0 – Free shipping.

To do this with Merchize, you can do as below:

1. Go to Settings → Shipping

This is where you set up all about shipping on Merchizze.

2. Choose shipping zones

3. Choose shipping package

Choose a shipping package that you want to add free shipping for the high value order. For example, this is for customers who choose standard shipping only, so you choose standard shipping.

4. Additional item is 4.99 + 1.99

Now, the default setting of Merchize is shipping fee charging by item.

Now you only need to add shipping fee calculation according to order price in the Price Table section. For example in this picture, with order from $0 I set up the shipping fee as $60. With orders over $60, the shipping fee is $0.

5. Choose to calculate shipping fee by Lowest Returned Rule

Finally, in the Preferred Rules section, choose to calculate shipping fee according to Lowest Returned Rule so that the system always calculates the lowest shipping fee for customers.


With each shipping rate, Merchize system has 3 ways to calculate shipping fee:

    1. Calculate by weight (Weight Table).
    2. Calculate by order value (Price Table).
    3. Calculate by Per Item/ Additional Item.

And since there are 3 ways, if you set up all 3 features, it will have 3 different shipping fees for each package. Therefore, the system has the Preferred Rules section to know when to display which shipping fee. For example, if sellers want to display the lowest shipping fee for customers, they can select the Lowest Returned Rule so that the system always calculates the lowest price in these shipping packages. Or they can select the Highest Returned Rule so that the system always calculates the highest price in these shipping packages.

According to the example above, we have:

    • Calculate by order value:
    • From $0 – $59: shipping fee = 60
    • From $60: shipping fee = 0
    • Calculate by Per Item/ Additional Item: $4.99 + 1.99
    • And Preferred is Lowest.


    • With the shirt costing $20, when customers buy under $60, they can buy up to 3 pieces and the shipping fee is not more than $8.97 if calculated by per item/ additional item. If calculated by value from $0-59, the shipping fee is $60 → the system chooses calculated per item since the fee is lower.
    • With th order values over $60, if calculated by per item/ additional item, the shipping fee is $8.97++, the system choose the lower price that is $0 for shipping fee

So that when customers check out, they will see Delivery Options as Free Shipping

You can try to order on the demo store of Merchize at to experience this features:

FREE SHIPPING for order over $60


  1. Shipping is a feature that if you don’t pay close attention, it’s easy to set up the wrong shipping fee which can easily impact on the store revenue. Thus, to better understand the shipping feature, you please read this guideline article: Hướng dẫn cài đặt Shipping Rates với Merchize.
  2. This article guides you to set up free shipping which means your customers will get free shipping for this order in your store. As for fulfillment, printing and shipping fees that you – store owner – have to pay for Merchize to fulfill and ship orders, of course, remain the same. Therefore, you have to pay close attention and have a reasonable price strategy to compensate for the fee that you promote for customers.

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