Set Up Payment In Merchize Setting – To Receive Payment From Customers

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Go to settings on the left side, choose Payment to set up payment function for your store:

Merchize is now supporting Paypal and Stripe payment. You need to have a Paypal and Stripe account to make payment on Merchize. In addition, Merchize is also trying on Paypal Pro payment for sellers who have Paypal Pro accounts. This article has 3 parts:

  1. Guideline for configuring regular Paypal payment
  2. Guideline for configuring Paypal Pro payment
  3. Guideline for configuring Stripe payment.

1 – Guideline for configuring regular Paypal payment

Firstly, you need to create a sandbox account at

Choose login to Dashboard, then choose Sign Up

Choose the country as Vietnam and choose the account as Business Account.

After that, you fill in the account and business information as the guideline.

Next you get Paypal Client Key and Paypal Secret Key at:

You need to log in your paypal account which is used to receive the payment on store.


  • In My Apps & Credentials, choose Live, choose Create App. Some common problems in this step: 

     + If PayPal requires the email confirmation, you can confirm email as the instruction then come back this step

     + If you already confirm email but Paypal still requires email confirmation, you turn off the browser and wait for 1 hour then turn on again.

  • Choose App Name then choose Create App.
  • Then, you scroll down to Sandbox App Setting and choose the following items for Merchize to activate.
  • In My apps & credentials, choose the app that you create in the previous step. After that , copy the information about Client ID and Paypal Secret Key (press Show in Secret to copy).
  • Paste into Payment Settings on Merchize, choose Enable Paypal, put Paypal ENV in Production mode (Sandbox mode is the test mode for developers. If you put “Sandbox”, customers cannot make payment and you cannot receive the payment from customers).
  • After setting up Paypal, when customers pay for their orders, they will be transferred to the display below, Cancel and Return to will connect with Paypal account name of sellers.

2 – Guideline for configuring Paypal Pro payment

With Paypal Pro, when customers make payment, they can enter the card information in the payment page immediately without clicking on the Payment by Paypal link as usual.

This function is only for sellers who already have a Paypal Pro account. You can get more information about Paypal Pro here.

How to do:

  • Go to SettingsPayment
  • Fill in full information on Paypal Payflow Pro. These information all have in your Paypal PRO account. You can log in your Paypal PRO account to see these information:

     + Merchant Login, Password: Enter login and password of your Paypal PRO account.

     + Partner: Partner information. You can find this information in your Paypal account.

     + Paypal Pro ENV: 2 settings are Sandbox or Production. If you want to test the system, you can choose Sandbox. The system will stay in Test mode at this time. For real customer payments, you have to set it in PRODUCTION

  • Then, clicking on Enable PayPal Pro. If you are turning on Stripe, you need to turn it off to open Paypal Pro. 

Finally, Save is done.

3 – Guideline for configuring Stripe payment.

In the Stripe Payment section, you need to fill in into 2 fields Stripe Client Key and Stripe Secret Key

  • Then, copy/paste these information into following fields and remember to choose enable Stripe and save

How to collect billing addresses for Stripe transactions

Merchize’s Storefront now provides a new feature that allows sellers to acquire billing address information from buyers for Stripe transactions in the checkout process.

Here’s how you can set up “Collect billing address”

    1. From the Merchize dashboard, navigate to Settings > Payment
    2. Under the Stripe section, check the “Collect billing address” box
    3. Click “Save” to apply the changes

How does your store collect buyer’s billing address information

After the collect billing address is activated, when the customer choose to process payment with Stripe, the Billing address block will be added to the Checkout page as follows:

Scenario 1:Same as shipping address” is checked as the default option. With this option check, the billing address will be similar to the Shipping address, and customers won’t have to reenter all the information.


Scenario 2: If buyers uncheck the “Same as shipping address” option, they will have to fill in all the billing information, including:

      • Email (Required),
      • Full name (Required),
      • Address (Required),
      • City (Required),
      • State (Required),
      • Zip (Required),
      • Country/Region (Required, United States as the default value)
      • Phone (Optional)

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