Integrate WooCommerce Fulfill with Merchize

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Connecting Merchize to WooCommerce will allow users to 2-way synchronize products and orders, manage the listings and fulfillment from within Merchize.

This following tutorial just explains how you can connect your WooCommerce store with Merchize to fulfill your WooCommerce orders.

For creating and syncing listings to WooCommerce: Learn more about How to create WooCommerce products from Merchize.

Sync orders automatically and fulfill from Woocommerce:

1 – Create Merchize account 

To use Merchize Fulfillment service, you need a Merchize account at least the Lite Plan. You can go to, log in with your Email account, then create a store and contact Merchize support via chat to activate your store.

** Skip this step if you already have a Merchize account.

2 – Prepare WooCommerce site

  • Next, you need to have WordPress site which installed WooCommerce version from 2.6.x

In order for Merchize to connect with your WordPress site, you need to ensure REST API is turned on and Permalink is not in default mode. 

  • Turn on API for WooCommerce site:

Go to wp-admin → choose WooCommerceSettings → Choose Advanced Tab → Legacy API and tick on Enable the legacy REST API


Change Permalinks mode:

  • Go to “Setting → Permalinks”.
  • Under “Common Settings” choose any mode except “Default” or “Plain”.

Choose any mode for permalinks in Common Setting except “Plain”. This setting will determine the structure of the link for your site.

If your site has the Product Permalinks section, you should avoid the “Default”.
  • Click on “Save Changes” to save the changes
  • Now, you can check the activation of your WooCommerce API by clicking on the http://YOUR-WORDPRESS-URL/wc-api/v3/ on your browser. In which YOUR-WORDPRESS-URL is your domain address. If it returns a result with a code JSON, then the API is activated. (if you don’t understand what is JSON code, don’t worry, you can ignore this step).  
3 – Start to connect from Merchize
  • Next, log in your store on Merchize at Seller.Merchize.Com
  • Go to Integrations and choose WooCommerce
  • After that, you will be guided to a page which controls connection with WooCommerce on your store.
  • Here, you can see one side for site information to connect with the new site and the right side for a list of WooCommerce stores which are connected. If the site has disconnected, you can see the status as Revoked. If the site has connected, status is Active. 
  • Next, fill your site name and WooCommerce site link and choose Connect.

     + Fill in the name site

     + Fill in your WordPress site link.

You will be redirected to the page of WooCommerce and be asked for approval. If you do not log in, you need to log in your WordPress site to approve this connection.

If the site has status as Active, you successfully. If it has any faults, you can inbox Merchize to get support. You can disconnect by clicking on “Disconnect”. You can repeat step 2 if you want to connect more WooCommerce stores. 4 – Connection is done, what will happen next? What will happen if customers order on your WooCommerce site? After customers order (status changes to Processing), Merchize will automatically import this order on your Order site. You can access it by going to Order to check. 

Then, you can see the information the same as the picture below when seeing the order. Here, the customer ordered 2 products with full information

Merchize will automatically create a product corresponding to the product in your order. Or if you already have this product (from the previous orders), Merchize will map that product again. You can directly click on each product to change and edit them.

Now, you need to send the image file for Merchize to fulfill your order.

You can do this by updating the product that Merchize has created, or go to Order on Merchize and upload a PNG image on Font/Back corresponding to this order. 

Then, Merchize also automatically updates the Font/back image for this product, you no need to update for the next time.

Now the product is ready to fulfill. Merchize team will automatically fulfill and update the status on your order. You can check on Orders to see that the product is fulfilled or not.

Moreover, when order is updated tracking, the system will automatically update tracking on Customer Notes on Order  on your WooCommerce site. So, the customer can update about tracking information to limit the dispute or refund ability.

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