How to take payments with LianLian

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LianLian payment supports order fulfillment and all service fees.


To deposit money into your store balance directly from LianLian, proceed through the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your Merchize account.

  2. Go to Billing page in the sidebar menu, then click Topup in the Credit section.

  3. In the pop-up dialog, choose “Instant Deposit”, then choose “LianLian Global“.


 4. Fill out the Topup submission form

  – Amount: Enter payment amount (transaction fee 0%)

  – Note (optional)

     Then Submit the form.


  5. You will be redirected to the LiaLian login page.

Enter your account information, after a successful login, the transaction details will be presented:

Check the information, then click Next.


  6. Click “Confirm and pay” to complete the payment process.

  (If your account has multiple currencies, then you can choose one to make payment.)

New transaction will be in Pending status.

Once the transaction is approved (typically within 30s) , the funds will be available in your balance.

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