Instructions for Preset feature

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Preset is a feature that in the process of creating a product and showing it to the store, the system will automatically fill in some product information, saving sellers a lot of time.


Step 1: Select Products on navigation bar

Step 2:

    • Select Create Product

    • At this time, the screen will display the “Select product" window with a list of products, select the Preset button. Then, choose a product you want to create and show it to your store.

Step 3:

    • When you select a product, you will be directed to the “Create Product” page. It can be seen that the system has automatically filled in the information in the items: Title, Description, Size, SKU, Base cost,… This will save the seller a lot of time.

(*) Note:

For Normal mode, the seller can edit the information according to their own preferences. As for BP mode, the seller is required to choose Preset and can only edit certain information.

After that, the seller needs to upload the information in the fields that are not automatically filled in. Title, Description, Attribute, Variant items are required to be filled in.

(*) Note for images: Seller can upload Gallery and Artworks at product creation step. With the Variant image, the seller must upload it during the product editing step.

    • In addition, sellers could select the Load Presets button to change another product.

Step 4: Once you have filled in the information and uploaded a complete image, the seller selects the Create product button at the bottom of the page to complete the product creation. For Normal mode, the product can be displayed in the store immediately. As for BP mode, the product must be approved by Merchize’s operations team before it can be displayed in the store.

So you have successfully applied the Preset feature. If you have any questions, please contact the Support team for the fastest support!

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